Over the course of the school year, the Silver Lake Regional School District and member towns of Superintendency Union #31 will need to employ tutors to provide students with specialized and/or individualized instruction.  Tutoring service may be needed when students are temporarily hospitalized, awarded compensatory IEP services, excluded from school on long-term suspensions, and/or transitioning between out-of-district placements. 


In order to create a pool of qualified tutors, the district is attempting to gather names of all applicants who are interested in tutoring opportunities.  Some tutoring assignments require subject matter expertise and/or specific certification(s), others do not.  When a student is in need of a tutor, applicants who expressed interest to be part of the tutoring pool would be contacted about the tutoring opportunity – if their skills and/or certification(s) were aligned with student need.  


Compensation will be based upon the contractual tutoring rates specified in the Halifax, Kingston, Plympton and Silver Lake contracts.